
Seek in the dark

Here's a variation to Impoverished Senses. #2 and I were getting ready for bed in our accustomed way, in the dark, with the door closed. I took an empty Nesquick can, cardboard with a metal bottom. It makes a nice percussive sound, when tapped with the fingers or fingernails. I explained to #2 (14 months at this point) that I was going to go somewhere, and he had to follow the noise, and find me. I moved to one part of the room, and tapped on the can bottom: thump-duduh-dump ... thump-duduh-dump. He came and plopped on my lap, a bit cautiously. I snuggled for a moment, then moved to another part of the room, repeating the game. And again. By about the fifth time he was sated. He lay down next to me on the floor, butt in the air, and went to sleep. I lifted him into his crib, gave a peck, then left.